Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Far Left Lane

Well I though Vidal would have posted a rebuttal by now, but he has not. Therefore, I will move on to MY next topic - The Far Left Lane. What is this? Well, on Hwy 401, it is the lane furthest to the left in the Express (as opposed to the far left lane in the Collectors). I wish to talk about this lane because my husband believes that this is the only lane available on the highway. No matter where we are going, how late we are (or not) or what time of day it is, Vidal seems to believe that the only option is the Far Left Lane. This absolutely drives me crazy!

Let me give you an example. On the weekend we were going to meet up with friends at Canada's Wonderland. Of course, due to the CUPE summer strike, it was cold and poured on Sunday, therefore cancelling our day of bliss and fun at the park. We told our friends that if they decided to do something else, give us a call, and we proceeded to return home. Not long after the phone started ringing and our friends were saying that we should come back and go to an indoor amusement centre; however it was not confirmed. GREAT IDEA! So, as we travel home along the 401, I am thinking that it would be smart to stay in the Collector lanes so that we can easily come off the highway, turn around and go to our next destination. However, the man that is my man, Vidal, though otherwise. He went straight for the far left lane! WTF!?% I should have said something at this point (because I usually do), but decided to say nothing as he passed the second collector exchange. At this point our friends call back and confirm that we are going to the indoor park. Great, ok, lets double back and meet up with them. Not so easy. We have to drive another 5-10 minutes to the next exchange in order to turn around.

Well, now that I am done venting, I can say that the remainder of the day was wonderful. The indoor park at Vaughn Mills Mall was worth the $50 in tickets, $20 in tokens and hours of listening to other peoples children scream.

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