Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rayonne's Welcome

Hello All,

Before I begin, I want to say welcome to He Said, She Said! Of course, Vidal, as usual started off on the defensive...with a if some "doof" out there is about to file a lawsuit. Anyhow, I shall begin by saying that I am not politically correct by any stretch of the imagination, I curse (a lot - a real potty mouth), and my grammar and spelling suck (hey, that is what spell check if for). Vidal and I have a wonderful family and have survived 10 years of marriage. Of course, along the way we have had our ups and downs, lefts and rights, bumps in the road and the occassional flat tire. But we survived. We actually celebrated our 10th with a big party and the renewal of our vows on June 27th, 2009. June 27th...WTF, you say..."Weren't you married in January!!" Well of course we were married in January...January 2nd, 1999. The year of Toronto's biggest snow storm, so bad that Mel Lastman called in the army to shovel us out. (When your marriage starts off by you having to dig out of sh$t, you know that you are in trouble.) Anyhow, we decided that celebrating in January was just a crazy idea, and postponed the anniversary to June.

We have 3 (partially) lovely children. Now, before you call social services aren't all children partially lovely. They smile, then they pick their nose. They play, then they eat the dirt! Exactly...partially lovely. Anyhow, back to the children. We have Desiray who is 10, going on "I am about to smack the living crap outta you if you roll your eyes at me one more time" [DISCLAIMER (and this is a real disclaimer...not like the sh$t Vidal did): We do NOT believe in corporal punishment...we just threaten the little buggers]. Then there is Candice who is 5, going on "I am so emotionally and physically sensitive, I get stressed out making cookies". And lastly there is Vidal John who we call "Johnny" who is 14 months, going on "I scream so loud that the lady in the ophthalmologist office said to my mom, "Your daughter has perfect pitch", and my mom replied, "That's was my son...(you little half witted scrank)!"

Well I suspect that I should stop now because there is so much more to discuss. I certainly do not want Vidal to think that I am trying to "out-shine" him. TTYL

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha Rayonne! You and I think very similarly about our kids...'partially lovely' sums it up perfectly. We call ours the "little rotters" most of the time.

    I will be looking forward to reading!
