Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Left Lane Drivers Unite

I will admit it...I like driving in the left lane. I like to pass people and get to a spot where I am travelling at an acceptable rate of speed and I have a relatively large space cushion. I find that the left lane is the best one to achieve both of these. But let me just set the record straight about Saturday. It was pouring rain...it was like a monsoon out there. So, as is often the case, people forget that safe driving does not necessarily mean, ridiculously slow driving, and they reduce their speed considerably - far more dangerous in my mind. So people were slowing down, and, in an attempt to ensure that I could drive safely, calmly and maintain an appropriate space cushion, I moved over to the left lane. What my lovely wife also fails to communicate is that she had said not two minutes before the phone call, and I quote, "This is crazy, (meaning the rain), let's just go home." So, like a good husband, I was on my way home. So far from being criticized, I should be heralded for my ability to keep us safe from all the unsafe drivers out there, and simultaneously remain focused on the road with the world's most vocal "backseat driver" sitting next to me. This of course from the lady who has the quickest middle finger and heavy-handed horn operation than any driver I have ever seen. The pin-up girl for road rage is critiquing my driving...hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Ok you Canadians! Let me say that driving defensively is not a bad thing, wether it is on the left hand or the right or the dead center lane (which I prefer in case of a change in plans or a need to get off the expressway or heading the wrong way). And Vidz if you are being safe for the family then kudos to you. However letting your fellow driver know that they are doing something wrong (ie. heavy handed horn blowing),or letting the same said fellow driver know that they have just insulted you (ie. sudden hand jesturing!)is just! I feel that we defensive drivers should take all the precautions that we need to in order to arrive to our destination. There is no space cushion any where the last time I looked when driving on the battle grounds of the road, however I agree with Ray as well as most women, that when it comes to predicting things that can go wrong when driving,the man should listen! Being that Vidz is my cuz I am not going to sell you out either, I agree with you too when you decided to follow her instructions about going home. But not hearing the rest of her plan was, lets just say, crazy! So with this I bid adieu and hope that from now on you have learned your lesson and should always listen to women of the road!
